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30 Days of Social Media Post Ideas for Your Brand

Shae Henrie

Content Strategist @ AdRoll

While studies have found over and over again that brands should post on social media at least once a day, let’s be realistic: It’s not easy to come up with fresh content ideas.

If your accounts feel a little stale, you’ve come to the right place — here are 30 days of social media content ideas to drive some inspiration!

1. Post a quote

When they’re lighthearted, humorous, or motivational, quotes are a great way to get people engaging with your content. Just make sure the quote you choose is somehow relevant to your brand, products, or industry, and remember to cite it appropriately.

2. Use a poll to conduct consumer research

Another good way to engage your audience is to create a poll on Twitter or Instagram Stories. You can also use them to learn more about your audience’s demographics, interests, preferences, and more.

Like this Wendy’s post, you can also use Facebook’s reactions as an easy voting mechanism.

3. Share an article or blog post

Share articles or blog posts you wrote (that link back to your site!) or ones you think your audience will find interesting.

4. Create an infographic

Popular on platforms like Pinterest, infographics are a fantastic way to share information about your brand or industry.

Here’s a fun infographic we created about A/B testing.

5. Ask for product feedback

Want ideas on how to improve your products? Create a post asking your audience for feedback!

6. Share a behind-the-scenes introduction

Introducing your team members or showing behind-the-scenes footage of your business can go a long way in humanizing your brand.

7. Film a-day-in-the-life

Day-in-the-life videos are extremely popular on YouTube for good reason — we love peeking behind the scenes into other peoples’ lives!

8. Share a sneak peek of an upcoming collection

If you can’t think of anything specific to show off or share, try using the hashtag #thenextbigthing. People love when brands give them a glimpse of what’s happening next, and this is one way to do it without giving away all your secrets!

9. Host an AMA

An AMA (Ask Me Anything) is a great way to showcase your expertise and connect with your audience in real-time. The best part? You can easily host an AMA via TikTok LIVE, Reddit, or Facebook Live.

10. Launch a contest or giveaway

Looking to increase engagement and build your community? Launch a contest or a giveaway! It’ll also help you generate sales, boost brand awareness, and increase loyalty.

Take a page from Glossier’s playbook: Rather than manage your giveaway across different social platforms, simply direct them to one.

11. Run a social media takeover

Having an influencer, team member, or another brand take over your social media accounts for a day is another way to get creative with organic content. It’s an excellent way to increase awareness around a topic you care about, raise money for a cause, or build relationships with others in your industry.

12. Celebrate a holiday or seasonal event

Whether it’s the Fourth of July or National Best Friend’s Day, use these days as an opportunity to run a sale, offer a deal, or simply post some celebratory content.

13. Repurpose your existing content

Content creation is not easy, so rather than always brainstorming something new, take a moment to repurpose your evergreen blog posts, webinars, podcasts, or videos.

14. Host a challenge

Challenge your followers to complete a task or activity — and don’t forget to make it fun and engaging! The challenge can be as simple as sharing a photo of their favorite product or as complex as filming themselves partaking in a dance you’ve choreographed, TikTok style.

15. Share a milestone

No matter what you do, there will come a time when your brand deserves some recognition. Whether you’ve won an award, been featured in a news article, or reached a goal, take a moment to share your win with your audience.

Trending topics can help you reach new audiences with timely content they’re likely interested in. You can use these posts to stir interest in your brand without being overly promotional.

17. Share some UGC

User-generated content is a fantastic way to generate social proof, so don’t be afraid to feature it prominently on your social channels.

18. Post a secret or a hack

People love secrets, hacks, and tricks that make our lives easier. So, consider sharing a tip to help your audience with something they may be struggling with. Remember it doesn’t always have to be product-focused!

19. Ask your audience for advice or recommendations

The trick to asking for advice or recommendations is framing the question so that people feel comfortable answering honestly. You also want to respond to every response and thank them for their time.

20. Post a “fill in the blank”

Whether you opt for the serious, playful, or silly route, promoting your audience to answer “fill in the blank” questions is a great way to boost your engagement rates.

21. Do a customer spotlight

Showcase a customer’s success story with the community — even better, do a fun Q&A so your followers can hear straight from the source. Don’t forget to encourage the featured customer to share the post with their networks as well.

22. Feature a best-selling product

Social media offers a golden opportunity to share well-loved products with more shoppers. Make sure to include the product’s value propositions in the post.

23. Tease an upcoming promotion

Launching a sale soon? Use social media to drive hype by hosting a countdown of the days until the campaign goes live.

24. Share a glowing testimonial

You’ve worked hard to build your brand, and now it’s time to let your customers share why they love your products by posting their testimonials. Try to include photos of the product they’re reviewing, or even better, some UGC!

With some quick designing, Purple transformed this review into an attractive IG post.

25. Post your brand story or history

Do your customers know when and why you launched your business? Create a social media post promoting your brand story. (Psst: Make sure you include your mission and purpose as well — it’ll help your audience understand why they should buy from you instead of going elsewhere.)

26. Share some industry news or statistic

This type of content is great for educating your audience — for example, you could share a negative statistic and explain how your products are designed to remedy that.

27. Promote your newsletter

Email marketing is bigger than ever, so why not use your social media reach to build your list? Share your sign-up link, and add some compelling reasons as to what they’ll receive upon subscribing.

28. Promote an upcoming event

Whether you’re hosting a webinar or a booth at the local farmer’s market next season, tell your social media followers all about it with the time, location, date, and relevant event link.

29. Post a #TBT

Celebrate how far your brand has come with a #ThrowbackThursday post!

30. Share a monthly update

Have something exciting in the works? Tell it to your followers! You can share highlights of the month, promote upcoming products, or update them on any relevant news (e.g., if you’re replacing all your packaging with eco-friendly alternatives.)

Ready, Set, Post!

Hopefully these organic social media ideas have given you some inspiration for a more diverse, engaging, and relevant content calendar. To truly win at the social media game, however, you’ll need to expand beyond organic posts — check out how AdRoll’s social ads management platform can help you reach a wider audience, drive conversions, and build your business!

Use our blogs and guides below to continue to build a successful organic + paid social media strategy.

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