Guide to Digital Ad Sizes and Specs
There’s a lot of confusion surrounding the different types of digital ads. To make things less complicated, we’ve provided the creative requirements for all display/banner ad sizes and social ad sizes so that any display advertising company can create the proper-sized ads you need.
AdRoll supports all these ad types and makes it easy to implement them in all your campaigns.

Supported Ad Formats
Web Ads
Image Ads
Image ads are proven to perform and easy to create. We recommend including image ads as an essential part of every campaign.
Asset Requirements

300 x 250

160 x 600

728 x 90

300 x 600

970 x 250

Mobile Leaderboard
320 x 50
File Types:
- JPG and PNG (non-animated)
- GIF (up to 30 seconds, 15–20 fps, no looping)
File Size: up to 150KB
Content Requirements
Destination URL w/UTM Params (required): up to 1,024 characters
Native Ads
Native ads have a 9% higher lift for brand affinity and an 18% higher purchase intent, compared with regular banner ads. We recommend supplementing your image ads with native ads.
Asset Requirements

- 600x315
- 600x500
- 600x600
File Types:
- JPG and PNG (non-animated)
- GIF (up to 30 seconds, 15–20 fps, no looping)
File Size: up to 150KB
Content Requirements
Title: up to 60 characters
Description: up to 140 characters
Destination URL w/UTM Params (required): up to 1,024 characters
Brand name (required): up to 30 characters
Call to Action (optional): Select from 12 CTAs provided. Defaults to “Learn More”.
Video Ads
Use AdRoll Video Ads throughout your entire customer journey.
Recommended Length: 15–30 seconds
Asset Requirements
Length: 1–120 seconds
- 16:9 aspect ratio
File Types: MP4 or MOV (with H.264 video codec and MP3 audio codec)
Length: up to 1GB
File Size: up to 1GB
Aspect ratio: 16:9 or 1:1
(Video) Pixel aspect ratio: 1:1 or (1)
Content Requirements
Destination URL(includes UTM parameters): up to 1,024 characters
Rich Media Ads
Use rich media ads to take advantage of advanced features like animations, audio, or other elements that encourage viewers to interact and engage with content.
Asset Requirements
File type: compressed file format (.zip or similar)
File Size: up to 150KB
Assets in zip file up to 10
Third-Party Ads
We don't recommend using third-party ads because they aren't compatible across the majority of inventory sources we offer (including Facebook and native), and you won't be able to take advantage of any of our future offerings around creative optimization.

300 x 250

160 x 600

728 x 90

300 x 600

970 x 250

Mobile Leaderboard
320 x 50
File Types:
- JPG and PNG (non-animated)
- GIF (up to 30 seconds, 15–20 fps, no looping)
File Size: up to 150KB
Destination URL w/UTM Params (required): up to 1,024 characters
Note: All URLs contained in third-party ad tag code snippets must use HTTPS. This is also applicable for all additional URLs that are loaded via redirects.
Social Ads
Facebook & Instagram Image Ads
Advertising with Facebook and Instagram image ads allows you to be where your shoppers are spending a lot of time.

Image Ads
Asset Requirements
- 1:1 aspect ratio, 600x600 or greater
- 1.91:1 aspect ratio, 600x315 or greater
File Types:
- JPG and PNG (non-animated)
- GIF (up to 30 seconds, 15–20 fps, no looping)
File Size: up to 150KB
Content Requirements
Title: up to 25 characters
Description: up to 125 characters recommended, including spaces
Destination URL w/UTM Params (required): up to 1,024 characters
Call to Action select from 12 CTAs provided
Link Description: up to 25 characters
Display Link (optional): Up to 1024 characters
Facebook & Instagram Video Ads
Advertise with Facebook and Instagram video ads to bring your story to life, wherever your shoppers are spending a lot of time.
Recommended length: 15-30 seconds
Note: Videos over 60 seconds cannot run on Instagram placements.
Asset Requirements
File Types:
- MP4 recommended. MOV also supported
- H.264 Video Codec is required
Length: 1-120 seconds
File Size: Up to 1GB
Aspect ratio: 16:9 or 1:1
(Video) Pixel aspect ratio: 1:1 (or 1)
Content Requirements
Title (required): up to 25 characters
Description (required): up to 125 characters recommended, including spaces
Destination URL w/UTM Params (required): up to 1,024 characters
Call to Action: Select from 12 CTAs provided. Defaults to “Learn More”.
Link Description (optional): up to 25 characters
Display Link (optional): up to 1024 characters
Facebook & Instagram Carousel Ads
Advertise using Facebook and Instagram carousel ads to display multiple products or tell a story about your brand through images.
Asset Requirements
File types: JPG and PNG (non-animated)
Content Requirements
No. of Cards: 2 - 5
Title: up to 25 characters
Description (required, applies to the entire ad): up to 125 characters
Link Description (optional, for each slide): up to 25 characters
Call-to-Action (optional): select from 12 CTAs provided. Defaults to “Learn More”.