In today’s interconnected economy, international ecommerce is truly exploding — and we’re not just talking about products zipping all around the world before reaching your front door. According to a recent Shopify survey, 35% of all its traffic comes from non-U.S. visitors, with a massive 92% of those shoppers preferring browsing and purchasing in their own currency.
With that being said, it’s clear that ecommerce brands looking to capture more sales need to think bigger — more specifically, globally. There are enormous opportunities for retailers who provide an international shopping experience, not just in terms of shipping options but also in different language choices, currency toggles, and even location-specific marketing strategies. After all, few enjoy shopping in a foreign language, converting tricky numbers in their heads, or calculating complicated tax rates, even if it’s for a product they absolutely adore.
If you’re confused about how to transform your current Shopify store into a global powerhouse (or at least one that caters to international shoppers), you’re not alone. Most ecommerce entrepreneurs and marketers spend their time inundated with the never-ending tasks of running their store’s ads, writing emails, and replying to customer service requests — thinking about international expansion can feel like an impossible undertaking, especially if it’s in countries you’ve never set foot in before.
Luckily, we’re here to make things easier. We created this roadmap to help you identify all the steps required to set up your Shopify business for global sales, from determining which markets to target to configuring different languages for your store. Simply check off the tasks as you go along to make sure you’ve covered all your bases. 👇
Trust us: The bridge between growing your store from local to global isn’t as intimidating as you think. And if you need more help with your ecommerce journey, download the AdRoll integration for Shopify!
Last updated on September 20th, 2023.