Mastering the Marketing Funnel: Strategies for Every Stage

Holiday purchases don’t just happen on a whim. Consumers follow a long path of branded touchpoints and interactions before completing checkout, sign-up, or a physical, in-store transaction.

The key to navigating the complex customer journey during the busiest shopping season of the year? A full-funnel marketing strategy that nurtures prospects at every stage — from unaware to repeat, loyal customer.

In this guide, you’ll learn how to evolve and solidify your full-funnel strategy ahead of the upcoming holiday shopping season:

  • Building brand awareness and generating early interest at the top of the funnel
  • Leveraging tools like retargeting and personalization to drive conversions in the middle of the funnel
  • Increasing retention and loyalty to grow lifetime value at the bottom of the funnel
  • Setting and measuring KPIs at each funnel stage and choosing the correct attribution strategy

Set yourself up for success this holiday season with a full-funnel strategy that keeps new customers coming back for more. Download the guide today.

Mastering the Marketing Funnel: Strategies for Every Stage