Increase ROI and and maximize sales with AdRoll Retargeting Ads

97% of customers don’t make a purchase on the first visit to your ecommerce store. AdRoll Retargeting helps bring those shoppers back.

  • Promote relevant products and offers with dynamic ads
  • Recover shopping cart abandoners
  • Target audiences with personalized promotions
  • Automate experiences that lead to a sale
Get Started

Harness the power of real-time user behavior

Easily create retargeting campaigns tailored to where customers are in the buying process, whether they abandoned a cart, browsed and left your site, or visited over a month ago.

Remind shoppers of the products they loved

Promote products that first captured shoppers’ attention with retargeting campaigns you can manage across display, native, and social media networks.

Get customers back to buying

Make buying easy for customers — when shoppers click a retargeting ad, AdRoll automatically rebuilds their order, even if they filled their cart on a different device.

Advertise throughout diverse networks and optimize ROI with all your data to get results

Running retargeting ads across Google and Facebook ad networks all in one place means less work. AdRoll’s Cross-Channel Performance Dashboard helps you deduplicate conversions and optimize for maximum ROI.

  • Reach your target audience wherever they go

    Engage customers everywhere with retargeting ads across desktop and mobile on Google, Yahoo!, Facebook, Instagram, AppNexus, OpenX, and other leading exchanges and publishers.

  • Expert retargeting with AI

    We’ve distilled our experience working with over 37,000 advertisers down to a science and combined it with expert machine learning that makes more predictions per second than the NASDAQ to get you results.

  • Confidently Attribute Conversions

    Sometimes two networks will attempt to take credit for one sale; deduplicate conversions and get a clearer picture of what’s working in your campaigns.

  • Customer behavior and ad data together

    Utilize the AdRoll Pixel — a JavaScript code snippet placed in the header of your site — to track everything your visitors are doing on your site.

  • Harness the power of your data

    Manage campaigns through AdRoll, see your performance data holistically, and learn what’s working to maximize your marketing efforts.

Customize your dynamic retargeting ads
to fit your goals

Create retargeting ads that work for you: choose from many dynamic templates, optimize with in-ad video and multi-product carousel ads, or promote accessories to encourage shoppers to increase the size of their purchases.

Advertise throughout diverse networks and optimize ROI with all your data to get results

Running retargeting ads across Google and Facebook ad networks all in one place means less work. AdRoll’s Cross-Channel Performance Dashboard helps you deduplicate conversions and optimize for maximum ROI.

Reach your target audience wherever they go

Engage customers everywhere with retargeting ads across desktop and mobile on Google, Yahoo!, Facebook, Instagram, AppNexus, OpenX, and other leading exchanges and publishers.

Expert retargeting with AI

We’ve distilled our experience working with over 37,000 advertisers down to a science and combined it with expert machine learning that makes more predictions per second than the NASDAQ to get you results.

Pinpoint conversions

Sometimes two networks will attempt to take credit for one sale; deduplicate conversions and get a clearer picture of what’s working in your campaigns.

Customer behavior and ad data together

Utilize the AdRoll Pixel — a JavaScript code snippet placed in the header of your site — to track everything your visitors are doing on your site.

Harness the power of your data

Manage campaigns through AdRoll, see your performance data holistically, and learn what’s working to maximize your marketing efforts.

Users love AdRoll on G2 AdRoll is a leader in Retargeting on G2 AdRoll is a leader in Email Marketing on G2 AdRoll is a leader in Mid-Market Attribution on G2