Grow faster by growing customer loyalty

Building loyalty with customers is hard. The trick is to create meaningful, personalized experiences for your customers that keep them connected to your brand, long after their initial purchase. To do this, you need solutions that help you identify previous customers, create connected advertising and online store experiences and measure your impact. You’ll get all of that—plus much more—with AdRoll.

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Make retention your secret weapon

Though making sure your marketing mix balances new customer acquisition and customer retention requires thought, figuring it out is well worth it. The success rate of selling to an existing customer is 60-70%, while the success rate of selling to a new customer is only 5-20%. To retain customers and build their loyalty you need to understand your customers and anticipate their needs before competitors beat you to it.

You don’t have to be big to compete for customers’ attention and business. You just have to build lasting and meaningful relationships with your customers that keep them coming back—and bringing their friends and family.

Expand their minds and their carts

It costs five times more to acquire a new customer than to retain an existing one. When a customer loves your brand, it’s more likely they’ll keep coming back and increasing their average order value (AOV).

Yet, in today’s cluttered landscape, even the most loyal customers can get distracted by the dizzying array of options available to them. Making sure each experience in your online store is personal and relevant with AI-driven product recommendations makes it easy for customers to repurchase, find items related to previous purchases, try one of your top products or discover something new they’ll love, as their interests change.

Make the most out of your most valuable customers

Loyal customers make great marketers for your brand. 83% of people rely on the opinions of family and friends to make their purchasing decisions and another two-thirds (66%) say they trust consumer opinions posted online.

While your customers may love your brand, remembering to shout it from the rooftops with reviews, recommendations, and referrals can be a challenge. AdRoll’s Growth Marketing Platform gives you all the resources you need to target customers with the right message, at the right time, to increase online and social reviews.

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One growth marketing platform, multiple solutions